Searching Moderation Logs

One or more of the following search terms may be combined to search the moderation logs.

  • IMPORTANT on large databases, certain queries may take minutes to complete.
Search termDescription
action:ACTIONSearch for any text in a moderation ACTION.
actiontype:ACTIONTYPESearch for a specific action type verb. Example actiontype:ban will search for Ban actions in the log.
after:DATESearch for actions after the specified DATE. See date localization.
before:DATESearch for actions earlier than DATE. See date localization.
color:COLORFilter by COLOR: Black, Blue, Green, Grey, Orange, Purple, Red, White.
during:DATESearch for actions on the day specified by DATE. See date localization.
description:DESCRIPTIONSearch for DESCRIPTION.
in:CHANNELSearch for actions with attached messages in CHANNEL.
mod:MODERATORSearch for MODERATOR. MODERATOR may be a numeric Discord ID or a Discord user name.
note:NOTESearch for NOTE. If NOTE is blank this will search for any action with a note.
reason:REASONSearch for REASON. Example reason:spam will search for spam related actions in the log.
ref:REFERENCESearch for REFERENCE. See Auto-moderation codes.
user:USERSearch for USER. USER may be a numeric Discord ID or a Discord user name.

Partial date matches

Partial date matches will select the smallest matching date. Examples:

  • 2020 will match the date January 1, 2020.
  • March 2021 will match the date March 1, 2021.

Searching from the profile menu

The search feature on the user profile menu will only search relative to the currently selected Discord user.


Searching moderation logs requires that the Bot user has the ‘View moderation logs’ authority.

See also

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