Site policies

A brief overview of Conductor’s terms and policies in one convenient place. Bullet points are to help get the gist of what’s in each document, but this is not a replacement to fully reading and understanding the policies.

Privacy policy

The way in which we use or collect information from clients, customers, and guests.

Read about your privacy

How data is secured and stored:

  • Data that we receive is secured via active and passive threat prevention.
  • Your personal data is not given to unwanted third parties. We do not sell your data.
  • Payment data such as credit cards are not stored on our servers — we utilize payment processors such as Stripe and PayPal.

Terms and conditions of service

The terms of service set for those that use our website and services.

Read the terms

A little about the terms:

  • Don’t do anything illegal, whether by local, national, or international law.
  • Only submit truthful information through any form on this website or via any communication.
  • We try our best; if something like a description is wrong, it isn’t in bad faith.
  • “As is,” no warranties implied.


Learn a little bit about Conductor and its UI.


Do I need to turn off my extensions before using Conductor UI?

No, you don’t need to. Conductor will not impact your browser at all.

Do I need to have 2FA authentication active on my Discord account before I start using Conductor?

No. 2FA requirement can be configured by Bot Administrators in the Manage Authorities panel.

How long is the free trial for Conductor bot?

30 days.

Is it easy to set up Conductor on my Discord server?

Yes, once Conductor enters your server, it will DM you automatically with info on how to set up the bot.

Is it difficult to use Conductor bot?

The bot was designed to be easily used and intuitive.

Can I see important server alerts via DM, push notifications or email?

Yes. You can choose to be alerted by any or all of these methods if your subscription plan supports it.

Can I use Conductor through Discord?

The Conductor UI is only available through web browsers.

Do I need to register an account on in order to be able to use the bot?

Yes, an account must be registered here, even for the trial.

How many servers can I manage at a time?

You can monitor multiple servers, depending on your subscription package.

Can I switch between servers using the Conductor UI?

Yes. You can switch to any server that you have authority to manage or moderate.

Will Conductor work in my native language?

Conductor is localized to multiple languages depending on your subscription package.

Is there a wiki or documentation on the features of Conductor bot and how to use them?

What is the "Conductor UI" or "Bot UI"?

The Conductor (or Bot) UI is what you access using your web browser to manage the bot and its settings. When referring to the Conductor “website,” it means here at

Learn more on the bot UI FAQ
