User Settings

Setting the Bot UI language

The Bot’s UI language can be set by clicking on the language selector at the top of the admin panel.

Discord server selection

Select a Discord server from the list of severs you are authorized to moderate.


Notification settings enable Bot users to opt-in to receiving notifications for high importance events.

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Choose your Conductor UI theme.

UI ModeDescription
DefaultStandard UI mode.
Compact UI elements are condensed. For example: Channel names are justified to the left in the chat panel and embeds prefer thumbnail sized images.
AdvancedUI is tuned to cater for experienced Bot users.

Show age-restricted chat in Bot UI

Configures how posts from channels marked in the Discord UI as age-restricted (previously called NSFW) are displayed in the Bot UI.

NSFW ModeDescription
Always hideChat from age-restricted channels is always “blurred out” in the bot UI.
Show only if age-restricted channel is selected Chat from age-restricted channels will be “blurred out” in the bot UI unless the user has explicitly clicked on an age-restricted channel.
Always showChat from age-restricted channels is always displayed in the bot UI.
Blurred out chat can be revealed by clicking on it.

Mobile/desktop view

Switch between mobile and desktop view modes.

Version information

Your Conductor version, patch notes, terms of service and privacy policies are viewable here.

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