Status Flags

Status flags are attached to a user by Discord to indicate supplemental information or alert statuses. These are visible on chat messages, moderation logs, user logs, and user’s profiles in the Bot UI.

  • Status flags can only be added and removed by Discord.
  • If you only wish to filter users with status flags over a certain period of time, you can utilize the joinedafter: and joinedbefore: date range terms in the search box. Example: status:alert joinedafter:2022-06-01
  • Specific statuses can be searched by specifying the status flag name in the search box. Example: status:Spammer

Informational status flags

StatusStatus description
StaffThe user is a Discord staff member.
PartnerThe user is a Discord partner.
VerifiedBotThe user is a verified bot.
VerifiedDeveloperThe user is a verified developer.
ActiveDeveloperThe user is an active developer.
CollaboratorThe user is a Discord collaborator.
RestrictedCollaboratorThe user is a restricted Discord collaborator.
BypassesVerificationThe user bypasses Discord verification.
Users with informational status flags can be searched using the status:info query.

Alert status flags

StatusStatus description
SpammerDiscord has identified this user as a Spammer.
QuarantinedDiscord has quarantined this user.
AutomodQuarantinedUsernameOrGuildNicknameDiscord automod quarantined the user’s name.
AutomodQuarantinedBioDiscord automod quarantined the user’s bio.
NewAccountJoinedServerA newly created Discord account joined the server within the timeframe set in the Bot’s policies panel.
Users with alert status flags can be searched using the status:alert query.

See also

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