Reaction Role Assignment

Reaction role assignment enables the assignment of Discord roles via the selection of reactions on designated messages. There are two reaction role assignment methods.

  • Exclusive
    • Selecting an exclusive reaction role removes other exclusive roles.
    • Exclusive role assignments may have a secondary role assigned to them.
    • The reaction count of exclusive roles does not increment or decrement when clicked on.
  • Non-exclusive
    • Users can select multiple non-exclusive reaction roles.
    • Users can remove non-exclusive roles by clicking on that reaction a second time.
    • The reaction count of non-exclusive will increment when clicked on and will decrement when clicked again.

Setting up role selection

Only authorized Bot users can designate messages to be used for reaction role assignment.

  1. Locate a message (with reactions) in the Bot UI. The authorized bot user does not have to be the author of the message, but it is preferable that it be one that was created by a trustworthy user, as a user can remove or change reactions on their messages through the Discord UI.
  2. Click on any one of the message reactions under the message in the Bot UI.
  3. Check the ENABLE ROLE SELECTION checkbox, then select the Discord roles corresponding to each reaction emote.
  4. Check the IS EXCLUSIVE checkbox to enable mutually exclusive role selection. In this mode, the user will only be assigned the single selected role and secondary role (if any). All other roles in the list will be unassigned.

We advise against mixing exclusive and non-exclusive role assignment for the same roles on the same server as this may cause confusion as to which roles a user has.


Reaction role assignment requires that the Bot user has the ‘Map roles to reactions’ authority.

See also

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