The raid filter allows the Bot to protect the server against raiding attacks.

Example settings

Enable raid protection

This determines whether the automatic raid filter is enabled for this server.

  • If a large promotional event is being planned that will likely generate lots of new members, it is advisable to disable the raid filter for the duration of this event.
DisabledRaid filter is not active on this server.
EnabledRaid filter will trigger based on a large volume of newly created Discord accounts joining the server in quick succession.
SensitiveRaid filter will trigger based on a large volume of members joining the server in quick succession (Recommended).
Many raids utilize incubated or compromised Discord accounts that are not newly created. Therefore we recommend the Sensitive setting for raid defenses.

Raid message removal reason

If a raid message removal reason is selected, the Bot will automatically remove messages with attachments, images and embeds from users who have recently joined the server on new Discord accounts (less than a week old), or who have recently joined the server and have a raid point score > 1.

Raid timeframe

The window of time criteria for a raid.

  • The recommended default for this is 20 seconds.

Member count

The number of members joining criteria for a raid.

  • The recommended default for this is 5 members for average servers. Very busy servers may wish to increase this to 10.

Rules for accumulated raid points

PointsRecommended actionRecommended durationAlert
2Add to watchlist1 week
3Add media ban4 weeks
4Auto muteIndefinite
5Auto banIndefinite
To ensure optimal operation of the raid filter we highly recommend using the above recommended settings.


The raid filter calculates a raid point score for each member, based on the severity and characteristics of the raid.

  • Large volumes of naturally joining members may trigger the filter with low raid point scores. These point scores should not have harsh actions associated with them.
  • Only the most severe raids will trigger with a point score of 5. It is highly unlikely that raiders included in this list will be naturally joining members. This is the only level for which an auto ban action is recommended.


Send an alert notification to users who have subscribed.

  • A score of 1 point should not have any action associated, apart from an alert as this point score may be triggered by natural upswings in members joining the server.

Background information to appear on raid filter warnings

Text to appear on raid filter warnings (if any) and in the logs.


Raid filter modification requires that the Bot user has the ‘Change automod settings’ authority.

See also

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