Manage the list of moderation actions from this panel.

Action nameShort description of the action. Attached to the moderation action.
Past tensePast tense description of the action. Used to increase readability of moderation logs.
DescriptionLong description of the action. Attached to the moderation action.
ColorClassifies actions into color groups for ease of use. Red and orange actions will trigger critical alert notifications.
Default pointsThis point value will be applied to the moderation target of this action.
Prompt for pointsThe moderator will be prompted to input a point value to apply to this action.
Require messageIf checked the moderator will be asked to select a message to attach to this action.
Default durationTime period to be applied to this action.
Duration requiredSee below
VisibilityShows or hides this action on the moderation UI.
Allow Troll pointsIf set, troll points will be added to this action, if they are enabled in policy management.
Send DMIf set, details of this action will be sent to the moderation target.

Duration required

Duration requiredDescription
RequiredModerators must specify a duration.
OptionalModerators may specify a duration.
DisabledModerators cannot specify a duration.
Duration is refreshed if points are accumulatedRefreshes this action’s duration if any points are gained (duration is required).


Changing the locale (top of screen) enables translation into all supported languages.


Managing actions requires that the Bot user has the ‘Change global policies’ authority.

See also

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