Searching Users

One or more of the following search terms may be combined to search for specific users.

  • IMPORTANT on large databases, certain queries may take minutes to complete.
Search termDescription
user:USERSearch for USER. USER may be a numeric Discord ID or the Discord user name. All known aliases will be searched for matches.
role:ROLESearch for users with the Discord ROLE.
notrole:ROLESearch for users without the Discord ROLE.
status:STATUSSearch for users where STATUS is active (a current member of the server), inactive (not a current member of the server), watchlist (on watchlist), troll (marked as troll), mediabanned (has a media ban), alert (has a Discord alert flag), info (additional info from Discord is available). Note that watchlist, troll, mediabanned, alert, and info only query active users. Specific status flags can be searched by directly specifying the status flag name. Example: status:Spammer
joined before:DATESearch for users who joined earlier than DATE. See date localization.
joined during:DATESearch for users who joined on the day specified by DATE. See date localization.
joined after:DATESearch for users who joined after the specified DATE. See date localization.
left before:DATESearch for users who left earlier than DATE. See date localization.
left during:DATESearch for users who left on the day specified by DATE. See date localization.
left after:DATESearch for users who left after the specified DATE. See date localization.
created after:DATESearch for users who created their Discord accounts after DATE. See date localization.
created before:DATESearch for users who created their Discord accounts earlier than DATE. See date localization.
new:TYPESearch for new users or new accounts.
order:reverseSort results in reverse order.

Partial date matches

Partial date matches will select the smallest matching date. Examples:

  • 2020 will match the date January 1, 2020.
  • March 2021 will match the date March 1, 2021.


Searching users requires that the Bot user has the ‘View message logs’ authority.

See also

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