Chat filters enable the Bot to automatically carry out actions on messages, usernames or reactions based on their content.

  • Chat filters are only operational in channels with automod enabled.
  • Filters may be reordered by dragging the checkerboard icons.

Filter types

A filter may be applied to one or more of the following.

Filter typeDescription
ChatFilter content of chat messages.
UsernameFilter usernames and nicknames.
ReactionsFilter message reactions.

Filter locale

IF a locale is specified, the filter will only apply to channels with that locale set or to channels with the ‘All’ locales set.

  • Chat filters set to apply to all locales will work in any channel regardless of the locale setting.
  • To view all chat filters for all locales check the box on the top right corner of the chat filter admin page.

NOTE: Chat filters do not consider a user’s language if one applies to them. This is to prevent evasion of language specific filters.

Filter reason

The selected reason will be attached to any actions arising from that filter.

Filter actions

Up to two moderation actions will be carried out when the filter is triggered.

  • The first action should be the warning action
  • The second actions should be the removal action

Filter keywords

The presence of one or more of the specified keywords will trigger the filter. These keywords may incorporate a simple * wildcard or more advanced regular expressions.

  • To force the username filter to respect word boundaries, use \b before and/or after a keyword. Example: \brape\b won’t match grapes or drapes.
  • Caution is advised when using wildcards and regular expressions. Mistakes in syntax can cause the filter to be applied to a larger number of messages than intended. Please test chat filters before implementing them in a live environment.

Chat filter highlighting

Text matching a chat filter will be displayed with a wavy underline in the Bot UI.

The highlighted text matched the filter for *retard*.

Note: Chat filter highlighting is approximate and will only show the first filter that triggered the action.

Chat filter test

Test text will be checked against the defined filters.

Clicking on the error message will jump to the matching filter in the Bot UI.

Background information

This text will be added to the description field of chat filter auto moderation actions.


Chat filter modification requires that the Bot user has the ‘Change automod settings’ authority.

See also

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